Here's a non-exhaustive list of organizations or individuals we like to work with, or who inspire us.
"Partners" is a key word for us and we permanently expand our collaborations with new partners to help our clients materialize their leadership.

Scott Gregory, Zolt Feher, Chloe Touati and the Hogan Assessment Systems company, they are a strategic partner and their products are just the best we can find!

Sophie Giorgobiani and the Next Executive Search team, a truly disruptive head hunting company.

Gordy Curphy and his books, our permanent source of inspiration to keep fine-tuning our approach to team coaching.

Serge Dautrif, the founder of SynapsCore, a truly disruptive platform leveraging collective intelligence for deeper and faster transformation.

Haroun Ghanem and the Smart Hands-On team for their disruptive learning platform.

(Maitre) Bruno Courtine and his colleagues from Vaughan Avocats, and their ability to get you out of tricky situations.

Amory Panne and the FasterClass team, an inspiring and innovative way of dealing with learning.

Thomas Bailly-Salins, President of Junior 42, and probably your best strategy when you need reverse mentoring.

Veronique Magnier and Hossein Shekarchi, the leaders of Saclay University's "Lead" MSc or how to combine excellence in law, entrepreneurship and digital.

Laura Nhari and her colleagues at Alpaga for their ability to put communication strategies into action.

Julien Rambeau, just the cybersecurity and complex IT issues Guru we all need.

Thunder said energy, when accuracy in research on energy transition & technologies matter.

Geneviève Mouillerat, President of Citeph and sponsor of WE Evolen, an initiative we support.

Nathalie Nassar, a great senior advisor we enjoy teaming up with.
And so many more - not to mention all the great executive or career coaches joining forces with us.
Want to team-up? Contact us directly or use the contact link here.
Want to team-up? Contact us directly or use the contact link here.