C&S Partners - Energy transition player - CEO Chrysalis - Com-mando Operations


C&S Partners has been awarded a consulting contract by a leading energy transition player to secure their ramp-up, organically and through M&A.  The project will mobilize the expertise of our “COM-MANDO Operations” poles in London & The Hague. 
Scott Gregory Advisory Board


We are thrilled and humbled to welcome Scott Gregory in our Advisory Board. Scott will bring thought leadership, vision and years of expertise as a CEO working with worldwide executive teams and global talents. Currently CEO of Hogan Assessments and an authority in the world of Leadership, we will soon have the opportunity to interview Scott and he will […]
C&S Partners - Leading EPC player - Leader-shift


C&S Partners has been awarded a consulting contract by a leading EPC player to support their high potential program.  The project will mobilize the expertise of our “Leader-Shift” pole in Anglet.
C&S Partners - Global drilling leader - CEO Chrysalis


C&S Partners has been awarded a consulting contract by a global drilling leader to secure the CEO succession planning at the top of their main BU. The project will mobilize the expertise of our “CEO Chrysalis” poles in Tbilisi, Lisbon and Paris, as well as our strategic partner in Leadership assessment.
C&S Partners - Hydrogen H2 - Com-mando Operations


C&S Partners has been awarded a consulting contract by a leading H2 player to ramp-up internationally.  The project will mobilize the expertise of our “Com-mando Operations” poles in The Hague, Houston, Amsterdam and Anglet.
C&S Partners - Industrial Conglomerate - CEO Chrysalis


C&S Partners has been awarded a consulting contract by a large industrial conglomerate to assess & develop one of their Board Members. The project will mobilize the expertise of our “CEO Chrysalis” pole in Anglet, as well as our strategic partner in Leadership assessment.
C&S Partners - Construction Material - CEO Chrysalis


C&S Partners has been awarded a coaching contract by a construction material company to develop their Chief Commercial Officer.  The project will mobilize the expertise of our “CEO Chrysalis” poles in The Hague and Paris, as well as our strategic partner in Leadership assessment.
C&S Partners - EPC company - CEO Chrysalis - Coaching2


C&S Partners has been awarded a coaching contract by an EPC company to assess & develop several of their executives. The project will mobilize the expertise of our “CEO Chrysalis” poles in Lisbon and Anglet, as well as our strategic partner in Leadership assessment.
C&S Partners - PE Fund - Com-mando Operations - Consulting


C&S Partners has been awarded a consulting contract by a leading PE Fund to assess potential acquisitions in the green energy sector. The project will mobilize the expertise of our “Com-mando Operations” poles in The Hague, London, Amsterdam and Lisbon.
C&S Partners - Article Michel INGENBLEEK


For our french-speaking friends : Dr Michel Ingenbleek, Partner at C&S Partners and co-founder of 12toZero offers us an analysis of the EU’s reaction to the lack of gas supply and the rise of energy prices in Europe following Russia’s decision to suspend its gas supply. This article was published in the “ÉNERGIE, ENVIRONNEMENT, ACTEURS […]
C&S Partners - Chemical player - Leader-shift - Consulting


C&S Partners has been awarded a consulting contract by a leading chemical player to review their organizational structure. The project will mobilize the expertise of our “Leader-Shift” pole in Paris.
C&S Partners - EPC company - CEO Chrysalis - Coaching


C&S Partners has been awarded a coaching contract by an EPC company to support one of their new executives. The project will mobilize the expertise of our “CEO Chrysalis” poles in Tbilisi and Madrid, as well as our strategic partner in Leadership assessment.